CYBER EUROPE 2010 Exercise has started

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On 4th November, the first ever, pan European cyber security exercise 'CYBER EUROPE 2010' occurred. See the Commission Press release on this, giving the full political framework.

Please find the link to the European Commission press release of 4th November. It can be found in 23 languages by using the link above.


 For FAQs  (objective, number of participating Member States etc) on the exercise.



-50 persons are present in in Athens, in the Exercise Control Centre, as active participants, or as observers, (or as managers of the exercise).

- Additionally 80 persons across Europe are acting upon the instructions of the moderators in Athens, who may contact further others in their Member States.
- There are 70 participating public bodies/organizations across Europe.



CYBER EUROPE exercise logo released.

The logo is intended to stay consistent over the years, with only the year changing. It is portraying the European, intra Member States dimension of closer cooperation, as Internet incidents occurs across borders. For media, please find  a high resolution version of the exercise logo.


Future updates regarding the exercise.

ENISA aims to publish a press release tomorrow, 5th, November, noon/afternoon, with a comment and some brief, initial points of analysis and conclusions at EU level.

On 10th November, the Executive Director of ENISA, Dr Udo Helmbrecht will make a briefing at the European Commission Representation in Berlin, Germany, with a full briefing of all public details and analysis at this stage.



For interviews with Dr Helmbrecht or the Spokesman, Mr Bergstrom, pls sms him at: 00 30 6948 460 143.